Salt of the Earth, Price of a Pro

How to Sell Your Trade Without Selling Yourself Short
October 3, 2024 by
Salt of the Earth, Price of a Pro
Micro Mutiny Inc., Mika Botkin

What is it about human nature that makes us downplay our own worth, even when we're absolute wizards at what we do?

As a tradesperson, you've spent years perfecting your craft. You can probably rewire a house with your eyes closed or fix a leaky pipe faster than most people can find the toolbox. But when it comes to selling your services? Suddenly you're all thumbs.

In fact, raise your hand if you've ever undercharged for a job or felt awkward talking about your rates. 

Oh, you too? Can't say I'm shocked. 

So have I.

There's this shifty uneasy feeling that sometimes fills a room when the word "sales" walks in. We all want more and better clients in business, but nobody wants to come across as "pushy", "insincere" or "manipulative". The truth is, that's got nothing to do with sales.

You're already selling yourself every single day, whether you realize it or not. Every time you show up on site, chat to a client, catch up with a neighbour, or even grab a drink with new friends. You're constantly giving people a taste of who you are, and the quality of the work you provide. But are you selling yourself short?

“Selling is essentially a transfer of feeli​ngs.”

Zig Zigler

Recognize Your Value, Then Charge For It

If you don't believe in the value of your services, why should anyone else?

You might feel uncomfortable talking about money or worry that you're charging too much. It's easy to fall into the trap of undervaluing your work. Maybe you’ve been doing it for so long it feels like second nature. A lot of us have bought into this idea that being "humble" means downplaying your skills.

It doesn't.

When you understand the value you provide, selling is effortless. 

Remember, selling is a transfer of feelings. How you feel about the care, attention, and quality of your service aligns well with how your client feels about money, and a transfer is made. 

If you can't proudly stand behind the value of your service, potential clients will sense your doubt. When people sense your uncertainty, they respond with hesitation.

You can tell when someone’s not confident. It shows in their body language, tone, and how present and attentive they are. Call it a “gut feeling,” but when people sense it, they react in kind every time.

A smiling service technician with a toolbelt, greeting a client at the door, ready to get to work, showcasing friendly professionalism

Insecurity is infectious, but so is confidence. Take your pick.

Earn Your Confidence​

If there’s anything fishy, sloppy, or unprofessional going on in your business, clean it up first. You can’t fake confidence. It’s earned through sweat, dedication, and a commitment to high-quality service.

Assuming you’ve got your act together, it’s time to get to work.

Grab a pen and paper (or your notes app if you’re too cool for old school). We’re going to make a list.

Understand Your Value

You’ll be better able to “stand” with confidence when you understand your value in the market as the unique, creative, hard-working person you are. Fun fact: the origin of the word "understand" is about position. Understanding creates stability and confidence. Let’s apply that to you and your trade, specifically:

1. What makes your service unique?
  •  Is it your attention to detail, quick response time? Do you freehand so straight you put rulers to shame?  
  • What three skills are you most proud of? 
  • What do you feel sets the quality of your work apart?
2. List ten ways your work makes people’s lives better. 
  • Be specific. Skip clichés. 
  • Think of your actual clients, how you've helped them and what they appreciated. 
  • Yes, ten. Keep looking. (If you can’t find ten, improve your game and come back here another time.)

When you believe in the value you provide, and you’re in it for something better than just money, your confidence will shine through and you'll have clients lining up at the door! 

But if every transaction feels like a pitch, you’ll find yourself negotiating for pennies. A meeting with a potential client should be an inspiring conversation about solutions to a problem. When you are the solution they've been dreaming of, they’ll find the money, and you’ll find the motivation to bring more value to people who value you and your services.

After all, isn't that what we're all in it for?

Reframe What It Means to "Sell"

Selling isn’t some dark art of persuasion. It’s about helping people—plain and simple. You’re probably thinking, “Sure, but I still don’t want to come across as that guy.” You know, the one who shows up at your door with a clipboard and a pitch.

Worrying about how you “come across” will lose the deal every time. Thinking about what other people are thinking, gets nothing done. It’s not about how you “look”, it’s about what you can do, how well you can do it, and what your prospect needs. When those align, the deal is done.

Selling happens when you clearly understand your customer’s problem, and you know you’re the solution. It’s about showing them that your passion, skill, and commitment make you the best person for the job. Period.

A smiling woman in protective gear standing in a woodworking workshop, showcasing confidence and skilled craftsmanship.

3 Action Steps to Stop Selling Yourself Short

Let’s bring this home for a win with three steps to stop selling yourself short.

1. Find Your Motivation

Using the things you wrote in the exercise above, decide what you’re really in this for. What’s the motivation that keeps you getting up, fighting the good fight, and making your business work? When your motivation is clear, it will pull you through the challenges ahead, and there are always challenges ahead.

2. Self-Correct Any Sloppy Bits 

Now’s the time to self-correct. Take rapid action to clean up any of your sloppy bits. Confidence doesn’t come from scattered attention. If you have incomplete projects or clients you didn’t handle as well as you could have, clean it up. Then come back feeling emboldened to do better and be better paid for it. These unhandled issues put drag on your success. Clean them up.

3. Superpower Pose Till You Believe It

Every day, start your morning with a power pose. Stand tall, plant your feet wide, put your hands on your hips, and lift your chin. Hold that for 90 seconds. It might feel ridiculous at first, but trust me—it works. This simple act can literally change your brain chemistry. Check out Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk on the power of body language. Do it every morning till you believe it.

Genuine Confidence Pays

Selling your trade doesn’t have to feel like selling out. Follow these steps, and notice the difference how people respond to you. Stop feeling like you’re pitching and enjoy inspiring conversations that help people and solve problems with the skills you spent years perfecting.

After all this, if you’re still not feeling that superhero vibe, reach out. We can help. The more confident you are in what you do, the more it shows. “Sales” will stop feeling like a dirty word and you can start feeling like a confident extension of the work you love with a pay raise you feel proud of.

Ready to start?